Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tornado Destroys Community Café


By Emily Wheeler / May 10, 2016

Local woman helps asses the damage done to the Joliet Café.
A tornado ripped through the Turtle Mountain reservation yesterday, destroying the beloved Joliet Café owned by young Lyman Lamartine.


A deadly tornado ravaged the Turtle Mountain reservation late last night. Caught in its path was a major town staple: the Joliet Café. Lyman Lamartine, owner of the Joliet Café, was quoted saying, “I don’t know what I’m gonna do now, but I guess I’ll figure something out.” Upon assessing the damage, it was found that the café’s fryalator had been lifted into the air and dropped into a nearby tree. The grill was also found torn in half. Lamartine fears the total damages will be too much and doesn’t expect the café to rebuild and reopen.


Officer Gregory House was one of the first called out to help assess damages and clean up the town. “We’ve never seen anything this bad around here. It’s scary to think your whole life can be literally ripped apart in one night.”

Lamartine, possibly the youngest business owner on the reservation at only 16 years old, has worked his way up through the ranks at Joliet Café. He started as a dish washer and quickly rose to become the owner about one year ago.

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