Thursday, April 28, 2016

"I wouldn't have done anything different"

Bakken works with bass singers during choir practice. (Wheeler)

By Emily Wheeler/ March 31, 2016

MAYVILLE, ND – The saying goes, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Not everyone can say that they have never gone to work a day in their life, but one professor at Mayville State University feels exactly this way.
Michael Bakken is the Associate Professor of Music and the Fine Arts Series Coordinator at Mayville State University. Earlier this semester, Bakken announced his retirement. He said that after teaching for over 40 years, he doesn’t want to miss the chance to enjoy his retirement and enjoy waking up “like every day is Saturday.”
Music has been his whole life and he feels like it’s in his DNA.
In third grade, Bakken began taking trumpet lessons for a dollar an hour. It was right then that he knew he wanted to teach music. He said, “I was just lucky I guess. A lot of people don’t know what they want to do in life, I knew right then that that’s what I wanted to do.”
 Bakken graduated from the University of North Dakota with a B.S. in Music Education in 1972. Right after he graduated, he began teaching in public high schools. He was teaching at May-Port CG High School when the position opened up at Mayville State.
 “I often wondered what it would be like to teach in a college,” Bakken said. “When the part-time position opened, they asked me to come direct the choir. Then the full-time position opened up and I asked myself, “Do I want to do this?” I decided to go for it. I kind of needed to recharge my batteries, a new focus in my life.”  
 Bakken described MSU as a place of opportunity.
 “Mayville State gave me the opportunity to do what I love and in return I wanted to give students the opportunity to be a part of a team,’ he added, “Maybe you’re not on the varsity football team but you can be part of the choir team or the band team, and be a part of a team effort.”
 Bakken said that he has many fond memories of his time at MSU, but one thing he will remember the most is how the program has grown through the years. From the band and choir sharing the stage during their first concert, to having about 75 students in choir alone.
 “There are things I’m going to miss, but miss in a good way,” he said.
 Bakken is well known and loved by many students on campus and within the Mayville community.
 Senior Jon Brenden, who has been involved in the MSU choir for many years, said, “I’ve never known someone who loves music as much as Bakken. He’s kind of crazy, but that’s why we love him. We’ll definitely miss him.”
 Greta Paschke, a music alumnus of MSU and now instructor of music and science at MSU, has worked closely with Bakken for many years. She met him for the first time in her sophomore year of high school when he was her band director.
 Paschke said, “I just want to thank Bakken for giving me the opportunity to teach music and for bringing music back to Mayville State.”
 When Michael Bakken arrived at Mayville State, the only thing he really had left to work with, after the dismantling of the music program, was a band. Over the years, he has worked to raise money for the music program and to get students involved. His work has allowed the program to grow and brought a music minor back to MSU.
 His retirement came as a surprise for many, but Bakken said that it’s time.
 “It has been a great run and I want to go out on top,” he said. “These next five weeks is going to be a celebration. We’ve got a lot do to and we get to do it together. And we’re going to go on our way rejoicing.”

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